Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - General
FAQ - Security, Privacy & Compliance
- ★ How Can ReadyNAS Vault Help Me If I Were Infected by Ransomware?
- Where is my account data physically stored?
- If I delete an already backed up file from my ReadyNAS, will it also be deleted from my account?
- How is my data secured at ReadyNAS Vault?
- How do I know my credit card and personal information is safe?
FAQ - Pricing & Payment
- Why doesn't the amount I was charged for overage correlate with the amount of data I have in my account?
- What happens when I exceed the maximum amount of usage for my account type?
- How much does ReadyNAS Vault cost?
- How can I change my credit card on file?
- How can I get an invoice for my subscription?
- What happens if my payment fails or if my card is declined? See all 8 articles
FAQ - Account & Subscription
- You Just Purchased a ReadyNAS Device but the Vault is Not Working
- What is your refund policy?
- How do I cancel my ReadyNAS Vault account?
- I have created an account. Now how do I enable my ReadyNAS Vault backup?
- How do I upgrade to a higher volume plan?
- If I upgrade to a higher volume subscription level, when will I get charged and will it be pro-rated? See all 12 articles