How to Exclude ReadyNAS Snapshot Folder from Your Backup

The Excludes tab will allow you to manually enter the specific path of any folder you wish you exclude from your backup. To exclude snapshots, add an exclusion path for the snapshot folder. The snapshot folder is in the share itself. For example, if your share path is "/data/Backup", the snapshot folder path will be "/data/Backup/snapshot".

Important Note: After making any changes to settings within any tab, remember to click the Saves Changes button (see image below). If no changes were made, you can exit the backup settings by clicking Cancel Changes.



1. Click here to log into the ReadyNAS Vault Web Portal. Once logged in, navigate to the Backup Settings tab. Then click Manage Backups.



2. In the Manage Backups view, select the backup you want to edit, then click the Edit Backup button.



3. Manually type the path of the snapshot folder under the "Folder" form field (case and format sensitive), then hit the Add button. Be sure to Save Changes!





ReadyNAS Snapshots and the Vault






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