Desktop Application - Creating/Modifying Backups

To set up an automatic backup from a PC or Mac:

  • Open the ReadyNAS Vault menu from the system tray (where the time is shown) on a PC or Menu bar on Mac.
  • Navigate to "Actions" and then "Add/Edit Backups." This will open the "Manage Backups" window.




  • Click "New Backup" to add a backup. 
  • Set the name for your backup in the "Name" field.
  • Click "Add Folder" to add the location of the folder(s) you would like to backup.


  • You can also choose to back up only specific types of files within a folder, i.e. jpeg, .png, .doc, etc.  Click on "Include only the following types" to configure this option (separate each extension with a comma ",").
  • The frequency of the automatic backup can be modified in the "Scheduling" tab. 
  • You may also exclude any child folder within a parent folder using the "Exclusions" tab. Files may also be excluded by file type.
  • Once you are finished with configuring these settings, click "Save" to run the new backups. 
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